Is it Me or is it the Eclipse?! Dissecting Limerance, Abandonment Wounds, People-pleasing is Sneaky with Wei Tan

Episode #70

Coming at you with another episode with my good frien Wei Tan. 

Ever had what's supposed to be a fun and light romantic connection blow up in your face, triggering more emotional turmoil? 

Limerance is a very real thing and it feels like things are blown out of proportion. Let us assure you that you are not crazy. Likely, there's something deeper going on in your psyche.

In this episode, Wei and I talk about her recent experience with limerance and how she moved through all the emotional triggers, grief, and making connection from to past childhood abandonment wounds. 

This conversation is more delightful than the description above. We keep it real.


Watch this episode on YouTube

Wei's art Instagram

Preious epidoes with Wei: